UV System

UV System:

Ultraviolet or “UV” is a type of energy found in the electromagnetic spectrum, lying between x-rays and visible light. Although we cannot see UV light or rays, we are exposed to them every time we step out into the sun. In fact, UV light is responsible for causing sunburns. Ultraviolet systems use special lamps or bulbs that emit UV light of a particular wavelength. The Ultraviolet energy attacks the genetic core of the microorganism and rearranges the DNA / RNA eliminating the microorganism's ability to function and reproduce.

If the microorganism can no longer reproduce, it cannot replicate, therefore it cannot infect other organisms with which has contact. The process is simple but effective, destroying 99.99 percent of harmful microorganisms without adding chemicals to the water.

The quality or appropriateness of both the UV light and of the 'contact', are crucial to accomplish disinfection. It is important to properly 'size' the UV based upon the application. It is equally important to use a good pre-filter to remove any dirt or debris that may be present in the raw water supply. This dirt and debris can interfere with the effectiveness of the UV rays – virtually giving the microorganism a shield to protect them when passing the UV rays. The keyword here is quality. System manufacturers strongly recommend that any pre and post filters be replaced at specified periods and that the UV lamp be replaced on an annual basis or after 9,000 hours of use; whichever comes first.

Advantages of UV:

There are some very important reasons why both homeowners and municipalities are choosing UV technology to treat their water.

Highly effective: For over 25 years, UV technology has been trusted as a safe, cost-effective way to purify water and eliminate harmful microorganisms. It is a proven EPA endorsed technology that is currently being used by thousands of cities, bottled water manufacturers and homeowners around the world.

Chemical free: UV provides water purification without the addition of harmful chemicals such as chlorine. It also avoids the potential of generating harmful chemical disinfection by products. Recent EPA guidelines are forcing cities across the United States to reduce or eliminate the use of chlorine for exactly this reason.

Taste & odor free: UV does not change the taste, odor or color of the water.

More effective than chlorine: Unlike chlorine, UV systems are effective against both Cryptosporidium and Giardia.

Compact and easy to maintain: UV systems are capable of treating a single faucet or an entire home in a minimal amount of space with the only maintenance being an annual lamp and filter replacements.

Water Quality:

Successful disinfection depends upon exposing water to a sufficient intensity of UV light for a sufficient amount of time. Water failing to meet certain general water quality guidelines may reduce the effectiveness of a system.

How can we help?

Whatever your water or wastewater challenge, we can develop a solution for you.
Get started by getting in touch with one of our experts.